In what could be seen as a new trend emerging in the apex court while dealing with economic offenders, the bench allowed bail to an accused in the bitcoin scam on Saturday, in lieu of hefty amounts of cash as a security deposit — Rs 15 lakh, to be precise. The court was hearing the bail petition of Akash Kantilal Sancheti, accused of duping several persons of Rs 42 lakh. The first complaint against him was lodged by a Pune entrepreneur, who claimed she had invested Rs 13 lakh in Sancheti's business since August 2017. He was arrested in January 2018. On Friday, his bail petition came up for hearing before a bench comprising Justices RF Nariman and V Ramasubramanian. His lawyer, senior advocate Siddharth Dave, submitted that Sancheti has been behind bars for 20 months and the kingpin of the scam is already out on bail. The bench directed Sancheti to deposit Rs 13 lakh with the registry of the apex court within six months. In addition, it told him to furnish a bail bond of R...