Smoking is injury to health

Do not take this with tea at all, consumption of this can cause lung cancer, men must read
Hello friends, once again welcome on this channel, and if you are new to my channel then please follow the channel by pressing the follow button. 70% of India's people like to drink tea. People consume many things with tea. Many things can be consumed with tea, so people also like tea. There are also many things that can cause cancer in the body if consumed with tea. Today I will tell you about one such thing. Do not take this with tea at all, consumption of this can cause lung cancer -
Generally it is found in men that they consume cigarettes with tea but let me tell you that if cigarette is consumed with tea then lung cancer can be caused in the body. By the way, you should never use cigarettes. When it is consumed with tea, its effects are doubled and it promotes cancer. Friends, if you liked the information, then you like and share this news and ask your question in comment and follow the channel to read these kind of news every day.


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