Back pain solutions 


Remedies for back pain
Medication: There are a number of lines of treatment that your medical practitioner may want to take depending on the severity of your problem. He might prescribe pain medication like acetaminophen, NSAIDs, oral steroids, narcotic drugs, muscle relaxants, and anti-depressants after taking the strengths, risk factors and your particular problem into account. Sometimes, epidural injections of anti-inflammatory steroids are given for low back pain. Some people, in rare cases, may also have to undergo back surgery if they find it difficult to function with the severe pain.
Exercise: Back exercises and sometimes, physiotherapy, is required to treat back pain symptoms. The best exercises for the back are a combination of strength training, stretching, and low-impact cardio. If you exercise at least two to three times a week you will reduce your risk of back pain by 45 per cent. Exercise strengthens muscles, reduces stress and fills you with feel-good endorphins. Pilates and yoga are considered to be very good for back pain. The stretching, strengthening, and abdominal exercises that are part of a Pilates routine can help you overcome back pain. In Yoga, the Padahastasana pose and Anuloma Viloma are particularly helpful.
Do make it to ask your doctor before you start off with any exercise regimen as some can actually worsen back pain. If you find that any exercise is causing pain for more than 15 minutes, discontinue it immediately. For instance, standing toes touches strain your disks ligaments, lower back muscles and hamstrings. Similarly avoid sit-ups that put a lot of pressure on your spine; and leg lifts that can make your pain worse if your core is weak. Try exercises like partial crunches that strengthen your back and stomach muscles; hamstring stretches; wall sits, where you slide down a wall till your knees are bent and your lower back pressed against the wall. Bird dog stretches, where your position yourself on your hands and knees, tighten your abs and extend one leg behind you, strengthens your lower back.
Strength training can be beneficial for chronic back pain but avoid it if you are suffering from sudden back pain as straining your back muscles and ligaments could make it worse. It’s best to ask your doctor which strength training exercises are safe for you.
Change your sitting posture to get rid of back pain
 Change your sitting posture: Working for long periods of time at the computer or hunched over a smartphone can ruin your back. Always make sure that your back is fully supported when you are sitting. Avoid sitting on the edge of your chair. If you don’t already have one, requisition your office for a chair that provides you with adequate lumbar support. If your don’t take remedial measures on time, bad sitting posture can lead to strained back and neck muscles and ligaments. Try this simple exercise: bend your head forward and back and to the sides thrice a day.
Hot and cold therapy: Applying a heating pad or a cold pack is known to relieve backpain symptoms. You could also try alternating between the two. If you find that your pain is particularly bad in the mornings, you can pace a heated pad under the affected area so that blod flow increases to the region and reduces muscles stiffness and pain.
also read 
Hot and cold therapy to get rid of back pain
Massages: Massages really help when it comes to alleviating back pain. It increases blood flow to your painful back muscles and the soothing rhythmic massage movements help relax the muscles, reduce stiffness and encourage your body to produce feel-good endorphins—natural pain killers that help lessen your agony. Just ensure that your massage therapist is trained so that she does not end up doing more harm than good. Lavender essential oil should be massaged onto the affected area at least thrice a day. It will help in relieving pain and muscle spasms. Other oils that are beneficial include peppermint oil, castor oil and olive oil. 
Massages to get rid of back pain
Music and laughter: Laughter clubs can be really annoying for people who are not in them; however, if you have been plagued by back issues, you might just want to join one of them. Laughter makes you produce pain-relieving endorphins while relieving stress and relaxing you. Try some deep breathing as well for better results. This is helpful for those who find it difficult to do more strenuous exercises. Music, like laughter, also releases feel-good endorphins and research has shown that it can also dull your brain ability to process pain. According to study, listening to an hour of calming music every day for seven days leads to a 21% drop in chronic pain.
Music and laughter to get rid of back pain
Change your sleep posture: Sleeping on a bad mattress that offers no lumbar support can give you a bad case of back pain. Invest in a medium firm mattress that cushions you while supporting your spine while you sleep. If your back ache prevents you on sleeping flat on your back, rent or buy and adjustable bed that you can manoeuvre into a position that s most comfortable for you.

If you prefer to sleep on your back, keep a pillow under your knees so that you spine gets some support.  If you sleep on your side, draw up your kneed and place a pillow between your knees and if you sleep on your stomach, you should place a pillow under your abdomen and hips so that your back is not strained.
Change your lifestyle to get rid of back pain
Change your lifestyle: It might sound like we are preaching but lifestyle changes make a lot of difference when it comes to reducing back pain or staving off back issues. For starters stop smoking; begin exercising and lose weight
Start swimming: Swimming is a wonderful exercise where you can get the benefits of exercise without the pain. The aerobic exercise that swimming works your lungs and heart and helps you lose weight. For the pain, heated pools will give you much relief. Just make sure that you do not twist your body while swimming. 
Eat healthy: Up your calcium intake and take supplements if necessary if you are lactose intolerant to stave off osteoporosis. Get tested for a Vitamin D deficiency and start a regimen of supplements after consultation with your doctor if you are deficient in it. Vitamin B 12 can reduce Many vitamins are found to be effective in relieving back pain and its symptoms. Vitamin B12, and the Vitamins C, D, and E are known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Make sure that your diet has plenty of these.


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