DH lists a few health benefits of jamun:

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Purifies the blood:        

The iron content in the fruit acts as a blood purifier which helps in making the skin look better. The iron content also helps in keeping the haemoglobin content in the body at the proper level. The iron content is also known to help in curing menstrual problems because it helps in compensating for blood loss.
Good for skin:
Jamun is good for the treatment of acne and good for oily skin. Jamun packs are also useful in lightening dark spots. Various packs can be made and on regular application to the skin, can give relief from these common skin problems.
Good for teeth and gums:
The antibacterial properties of jamun are known to be good for the gums as well as helping in prevent bad breath. The vitamin C in it is known to prevent gum bleeding.
The ash of jamun tree leaves and almond shells is known to make an excellent preparation for cleaning teeth.
Help with digestion:
Jamun can help in recovering from diarrhoea and indigestion and is widely used in Ayurveda and Unani systems of medicine. This is due to its antibacterial properties. It also promotes good bowel movement.
Good for the heart:
There is a substance in jamun named tritepenoid, which prevents or slows down the accumulation of cholesterol in the body. The fruit also has potassium, which is good in controlling high blood pressure and strokes as well.
Diabetes control:
Jamun has low glycaemic index and keeps blood sugar levels under control. Diabetics can safely eat this without worrying about blood sugar levels rising too high. Dried and powdered jamun seeds can control starch being converted to sugar. Diabetics are advised to have a teaspoon of this powder two times a day. This fruit is a real boon for diabetics.
Helps anemic individuals:
As it is a rich source of iron, it helps anemic individuals and can also help counter general weakness tiredness.
Improves immunity:
If one is getting cold and cough regularly, eating jamun might helps because it has properties that can help increasing immunity.
Apart from the above, jamun is also known to help promote liver health, it can help cure sore throats, treat cuts, promote bone health, among others.


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